Description: 00:17:57 - 00:23:00 >>> Men exit palace, pose in their expensive silk clothing, enter a Rolls Royce limo and drive away along the well paved roads surrounding the building. Indian soldiers with rifles with fixed bayonets line up in courtyard as limo enters. Riders disembark and salute the troops. They then walk past and review the soldiers, then onto a red carpet into building.
00:23:00 - 00:26:20 >>> Repeats of above soldier formation and review.
00:26:20 - 00:30:05 >>> An assembly of military and high ranking officers in their colorful uniforms. A man entertaining, singing and playing an instrument, officers bowing to rajah ?? seated in plush chair. Rajah leaves with entourage and group leaves, one an old man with sword at side walking down stairs. Group single files down stairs and MSs the group in yard.
00:30:09 - 00:34:45 >>> Various group at the palace, women entertaining dancing, two elephants with covered cupolas on top and draped in cloth wait outside, elite get into cupolas and elephants followed by entourage leave. Various, men and women on wall watching, elephants walk in the streets and men on top spray spectators with hoses from the cupolas on the elephants. Men get down from elephants and into a waiting car and as it slowly goes thru crowd in the street one sprays a hose into crowd as people in crowd throw an orange dust toward people in car. Various as spectators throw colored water at each other, MS the wet stained people.
00:34:45 - 00:39:40 >>> Various, the elite throwing colored water at each other on the palace lawn. Large bowls of water are placed on ground and each man has a big cup that he dips into pot and throws the water, the men are laughing and wet and thoroughly enjoying the play. Some CUs of men and action. Western woman walking among veiled Indian women. Various, soldiers and military band, MSs and CUs band members as they play. Many men carry an empty carriage on their shoulders.
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Clip #: TFA-12-4
Length: 21:43
Year: 1948
Color: Color
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre
Region: South Asia
Country: India
Original: 16mm
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