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Clip #: TFA-25C-2
Length: 8:39
Year: 1938
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre
Region: Caribbean
Country: Martinique
Subject: Ocean Liners
Original: 16mm
1930s, 1938, Caribbean, Martinique, cruise, cruise ship, ocean liner, Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, French Line, SS Lafayette, coastline, shoreline, passengers on deck of ship entering harbor, tourists walking on promenade, female tourist looking at straw hats being sold at outdoor market, shopping, Martiniquais, Martinicans, street scenes, cityscape, skyline with liner in background, funnels, cruise ship passengers standing on decks watching performance, deck shuffleboard, passengers dining inside ship, swimming pool, passengers on deck looking at views of approaching coast, street scenes, sailors walking on street, harbor, port, tourists arriving at shore in tender, mountains, cityscape, skyline, street scenes, passengers walking up gangway to board cruise ship, tourists wearing straw hats, cruise ship docked at JGR Pier Number 1, taxi drivers waiting at port and picking up cruise ship passengers, street scenes, traffic, pedestrians, men pushing carts, garden, deck crew, captain, wheelhouse, outdoor swimming pool on deck, passengers dining outside, buffet, cooks and waiters preparing food for passengers, view from boat of approaching cityscape, skyline, passengers leaning against railing looking at cityscape