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Clip #: TFA-352
Length: 15:32
Year: 1963
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1960s
Region: South America
Subject: Airplanes
Original: 35mm
1960s, United States Air Force Thunderbirds, USAF Air Demonstration Squadron, Latin America, Central America, South America, aerial stunts and maneuvers, diamond formation, jets performing crossover maneuver low over crowd of spectators for finale of performance, Latin American adult and child spectators watching performance, spectators wearing makeshift sunshades and sunglasses, jets performing aerial tricks, man helping young boy drink soda, spectators applauding and ducking with jets perform crossover trick low over their heads, Costa Rica, boy eating ice cream while he watches performance, planes taxiing and stopping near crowds of spectators, throngs of spectators rushing forward to eagerly shake hands with pilots and get their autographs, Guatemala, marimba band, pilots and women playing marimbas together, Chile, male and female students on college campus, jets flying overhead, pilots in cockpits of jets in flight, jets in diamond formation flying low over cityscapes, mountains, countryside, Panama Canal, clouds, high snow-capped peaks, volcanos, South American Air Force pilot standing next to plane with wife and boys, jets flying low over runway and ascending into clouds over spectators, pilot in cockpit spinning around over clouds, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Sugarloaf Mountain, Christ the Redeemer statue atop Corcovado, Panama, Panama City, jets flying over Balboa Statue and palm trees, woman watching with younger boys, soldier mounted on horse spooked by sounds of jets, jets flying low over spectators, woman holding girl plugging her ears with her fingers, traffic circle, organ grinder with monkey, contrails, boys watching jets in flight, Paraguay, Aeropuerto Presidente Stroessner, President Stroessner International Airport, Thunderbirds crew chiefs standing at attention, saluting pilot officer and shaking hands with officials, pilots marching in line and shaking hands with government officials, pilots and government official saluting, shaking hands and patting each other on back in abrazo greeting, jets flying over crowds on beach, man building sandcastle, stilt walker dancing on Portuguese pavement near crowded beach, firemen watching performance at airport, soldiers watching jets on ascent, jets performing crossover maneuver low over crowds of spectators, jets taking off and flying in diamond formation over cityscape, mountains, clouds