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Clip #: TFA-356B
Length: 34:18
Year: 1958
Color: Color
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1950s
Region: South America
Subject: Explorers
Original: 16mm
1950s, South America, man’s hand holding pencil pointing out route on map from Panama Canal to Cape Horn, vertical measurements of route, high reaches of Andes, deserts of Peru and Chile, man digging sand from around stuck car, men sleeping and relaxing near car, lake and channel country of southern Chile and Tierra del Fuego, views from boat of mountain peaks, glaciers, ice caps, Patagonia pampas, roaming Guanacos, ostriches, jungles, Amazon River, waterfall, Colombia, Buenaventura, car driving up to Customs House, car driving on road towards Bogota, waterfall, cattle, coffee farming, male and female workers picking coffee cherries from tree, cherries being hulled, processed, dried and sacked for export at mill, de Sola family nursery for babies of coffee workers, Ecuador, men making roof tiles, bulls being driven around center stake to mix mud which is used to make tiles, car driving on cobblestone road high in Andes with mountain peak in background, people dressed in traditional clothing walking alongside road including stumbling drunk man and people driving livestock home from market, car pulling up to The Monument to the Equator, Monumento a la Mitad del Mundo, man tracing Latitude measurements on monument with pencil, man standing on marker with one foot on north side and the other on the south, Pacific Coast jungle, male tourists talking with Tsáchila people, Colorados, indigenous people, Indians, medicine man, male tourist entertaining indigenous people with magic tricks, Tsáchila men’s hair plastered down with red dye which is also used on face and body along with black ornamentation, women making red dye from achiote seeds which are crushed and mixed with saliva, man applying dye to his face and body, laughing Tsáchila women applying red dye to male tourist’s face, tourists stopping car to look at view of Chimborazo, Peru, car POV driving through desert, south coast of Gulf of Guayaquil, bullock carts headed out in morning to sugar plantation, ox carts, sugar cane cutters, bullock carts transporting cane to sugar mill, cane being processed into sugar at mill, male tourists testing sugar which gets all over their mouths and chins, tourists climbing steep sand ridge in zig zag path and writing names in sand at bottom, slow motion man plummeting down side of ridge when he tries to run down sand hill, car driving along sand and rock coastal cliffs, tourists pitching camp in sheltered spot between rocks, man cooking stew on camping stove, man setting up bed and blowing up air mattress, car driving on desert road and past flower field, Peruvian children, car ascending winding desert road and reaching pass 4690 meters above sea level, male tourists checking altimeter to verify accuracy of sign, Bolivia, Lake Titicaca, flamingoes, Bolivian men and women planting potatoes, ox-drawn plow, upland farms, pack llamas, rock fences, car driving past man sleeping alongside road, Pampas, galloping Guanacos, roaming ostriches, cars driving through mud and getting stuck, cars covered in mud, man clearing mud from rear window, Chile, Strait of Magellan, Straits of Magellan, Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Memorial to Ferdinand Magellan, tourists christening their car at end of pier, tourists taking Chilean Navy ship Galvarino down Beagle Channel towards Cape Horn, mountains surrounding Channel, Cape Horn in distance, ship traveling through storm, waves crash onto deck as ship travels through rough seas, tourists and captain shaking hands and cheering as storm subsides and ship approaches Cape Horn