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Clip #: TFA-393A
Length: 18:45
Year: 1949
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1940s
Region: Europe
Country: Holland
Subject: Rivers
Original: 16mm
1940s, 1949, Holland, Netherlands, windmills, canals, flower fields, women in traditional Dutch dress, fishing boats, fishermen, Rhine River, Rotterdam, coronation of Queen Juliana of Netherlands, illuminated boats on Rhine at night, map of Europe with course of Rhine, Port of Rotterdam, harbor, cargo ships from diverse countries, barges, tankers, bulk carriers, modern machinery, cranes, different types of cargo being loaded and unloaded from freighters, iron ore, oil tankers, oil refineries, grain silos, timber, barrels, sacks, warehouses, industries of Netherlands, iron and steel works, blast furnaces, shipbuilding, floating dock, factories, factory workers, tea and coffee industries, milk products, margarine, export trade, spirit works along canal, tugboat, views from boat cruising Rhine from Rotterdam, bargeman at work in wheelhouse and with family in living quarters, modern tug pulling barge, barge crew, bridge, floating general store boat, Lobith, Germany, Emmerich, entrance to Wesel–Datteln Canal, Ruhrort, coal port, Duisburg, Dortmund-EMS Canal, Cologne, water gauge, passenger boat traveling through mountainous district, castles along Rhine, Bingen, Mouse Tower, Lorelei Rock, channels, Maintz, Neckar, Mannheim, passenger boat, dining cabin, France, Alsace, Strasbourg, Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine headquarters, coal port, Brisach, barrage at Kembs, locks, Switzerland, Basel, Basle, cityscape, port