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Clip #: TFA-398A
Length: 3:39
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1930s
Region: Caribbean
Country: Cuba
City: Havana
Subject: Famous Buildings
Original: 16mm
1930s, Cuba, Havana, Morro Castle, Havana Bay, Havana harbor, Presidential Palace, Paseo del Prado, National Capitol building, El Capitolio, Central Park Square, Parque Central, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba, Manzana de Gómez, street scenes, traffic, policeman directing traffic, pedestrians, Havana Cathedral, Monument to the Victims of the USS Maine, Tropical Gardens, Los Jardines de la Tropical, lavish estates, Gran Casino Nacional, Avenue of Royal Palms
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