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Clip #: TFA-398H
Length: 21:22
Year: 1964
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: TFA Network
Decade: 1960s
Region: North America
Country: United States
State: New York
City: New York
Subject: Politics
Original: 16mm
1960s, educational films, United Nations, politics, government, international relations, New York City, Manhattan, exterior and interior UN Headquarters, row of international flags outside headquarters, 15th Session of UN General Assembly, Prime Minister of Nigeria Abubakar Tafawa Balewa arriving and giving speech to Assembly, April 1945, San Francisco, Golden Gate, cable cars, San Francisco Conference, United Nations Conference on International Organization, delegates meeting in Opera House to discuss and draft charter for peace, atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, October 24, 1945, charter approved, organization of General Assembly, delegates to General Assembly gathering at UN Headquarters, delegates voting for President of General Assembly, Security Council meeting, Trusteeship Council meeting, emissary from British Togoland speaking, Economic and Social Council meeting, interpreters translating French speech into different languages, specialized agencies working closely with Council, office activity within UN Headquarters, Office of Secretary General Chief Administration Officer, switchboard operators, The Hague, Netherlands, International Court of Justice, devastation from war, UNICEF, food and supplies being shipped from UNICEF and loaded onto cargo ship, milk and shoes being distributed to children in need, children being vaccinated with BCG vaccines, Turkish government calling on WHO for help with TB, World Health Organization, WHO-supported training program and center for doctors and nurses, Pakistan, dam construction, technical experts from UN working with Pakistani engineers, FAO experts testing soil, UNESCO, Mexico, Pátzcuaro, teaching center opened by UNESCO, people in different countries learning to write and read, central India, tractors purchased with loan from World Bank used to improve soil, Girl Scout Brownies tour in UN Headquarters