Vienna, Austria Description: Vienna, Austria
INT Bundes Council, President Wilhelm Miklas enters room
& flips through papers at table.
Opera composer Franz Lehr in his home practicing / composing
on the piano w/ small bird on shoulder.
CU Franz Lehr talking to small bird standing on his hand.
VS women sewing intricate Pettipoint needlework
(textile artists, embroidery, embroidering, arts and crafts, handicrafts)
CU holding photographs next to needlework portraits
showing skill in duplicating image.
Woman holding needlework self-portrait up to her face & smiling.
Clip #: AD-50-18 Length: 00:01:20:13 Year: 1930 Color: B/W Library: Getty Images Decade: 1930s Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre Region: Europe Country: Austria City: Vienna Original: 16mm
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