Description: 01:04:23:25
Abyssinia Roll 2
Addis Ababa
Man wearing safari hat waving to crowd.
MS Ethiopian trumpeters announcing arrival.
VS Ethiopian musicians playing large bamboo flutes
(traditional culture, Ethiopian music).
PAN row of Ethiopian natives dressed in tribal clothes holding rifles & shields.
VS natives dressed in tribal clothing including lion-maned chieftains
(great shots, tribal culture, tribal clothing).
Addis Ababa
MS American Special Ambassador Herman Murray Jacoby shaking hands
w/ African dignitaries (being introduced)
(good shot, international relations, diplomacy, race relations).
Dignitaries walking down street past rows of Ethiopians on either side.
Procession of mounted soldiers going through Menelik II Square w/ covered
equestrian statue of Emperor Menelik II & St. George’s Cathedral in BG.
Dignitary car (probably Selassie) goes past crowds
& soldiers lined up along side of street,
past covered equestrian statue of Emperor Menelik II.
Armed soldiers standing at attention.
CU covered Menelik II statue.
LS statue is unveiled by Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester.
MS Emperor Menelik II equestrian statue.
Addis Ababa
Guards saluting as Emperor Haile Selassie I enters car.
MS Selassie dressed in gilded Kabba cloak
sitting in back seat of car, which drives off.
Man riding horseback followed by men on foot.
Ethiopian women holding parasols as they walk down street.
VS Ethiopians dressed in traditional clothing.
Group of Ethiopian men in traditional clothing.
Addis Ababa
Ethiopian woman rolling clay on stone slab.
Headshot senior / elderly Ethiopian man wearing hat
& shielding face from sun.
Caucasian man hands baby goat (kid) to Ethiopian boy.
CU Ethiopian boy holding baby goat (kid) (cute shot).
Headshot Ethiopian mother & son.
(good shot, Ethiopians)
VS Ethiopian woman molding clay into pot.
Addis Ababa
VS Ethiopian street scenes w/ pedestrians in traditional clothing.
CU & MS Ethiopian men holding hands.
Men looking at blankets.
Crowds waiting in the streets.
Addis Ababa
Ambassador Jacoby reads dedication to Emperor Selassie standing by throne.
LS procession of mounted soldiers riding past soldiers standing at attention.
HA dignitary car pulls up to building,
dignitaries get out & walk up steps
(includes Brigadier General William W. Harts
& Special Ambassador Herman Murray Jacoby).
Emperor Selassie seated on throne is greeted by dignitaries.
Men setting up carpets near chairs.
Wealthy Ethiopian man wearing Kabba cloak sitting in chair,
man helps loosen his collar & straighten his cloak.
Addis Ababa
VS crowds of Ethiopians carrying chairs down streets.
Crowds of Ethiopians carrying rifles marching down street.
INT St George Cathedral, Ceremonial Hall, Addis Ababa
Coronation of Emperor Haile Selassie
Selassie seated on... |
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Clip #: AD-55-3
Length: 12:24
Year: 1930
Color: B/W
Sound: Silent
Library: Getty Images
Decade: 1930s
Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre
Region: Africa
Country: Ethiopia
City: Addis Ababa
Subject: Military
Original: 16mm
Ethiopia footage features footage of Addis Ababa leading up to, during, and just after the
inauguration of Emperor Haile Selassie I (which took place on November 2nd, 1930). Various foreign
diplomats and dignitaries paying their respects to the Emperor and in attendance at the coronation,
including American Special Ambassador Herman Murray Jacoby, who is accompanied by Brigadier General
William W. Harts. Crowds of Ethiopians on city streets and celebrating. Excellent shots of people of
the region dressed in traditional clothing (shawls, cloaks, native attire), some with rifles and shields.
Tribal native chieftains garbed in lion manes, carrying lances and shields, and riding horses. Rows of
soldiers standing at attention and marching through the streets. Rare footage of prominent Addis Ababa
statues unveiled for the coronation, such as the Equestrian statue of Emperor Menelik II. Extensive
footage of the coronation ceremony & rituals.
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