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Clip #: AD-64-4
Length: 04:58
Year: 1933
Color: B/W
Sound: Sound
Library: Getty Images
Decade: 1930s
Filmmaker: Andre de la Varre
Region: Europe
Original: 16mm
From Naples to Tunis."
Pointer pointing to Naples & Tunis on map.
Gulf of Tunis, Tunesia
Passengers disembarking ocean liner & boarding boat.
Passengers on boat departing from moored ocean liner in middle of Gulf.
MS serious-looking Tunisian sailor on boat.
Tunis, Tunesia
WS crowds of tourists & Tunesians w/ horse-drawn carriages.
VS tree-lined Jules Ferry Avenue.
MS statue of Jules Ferry on Jules Ferry Avenue.
VS street scenes w/ cable cars, traffic, & Tunisians in traditional clothing.
Tunisian newspaper seller selling "Tunis Socialiste."
VS Tunisian man playing w/ dancing monkey doll.
(Tunisian culture, Tunisians)
01:26:17:04 w/ Sound b/w 1933
Tunis, Tunesia
WS Port de France (Bab Bhar, Port of France).
Crowded Place de la Bourse.
VS old city street scenes w/ Tunisians in traditional clothing.
TU & TD to minarets of mosques.
VS HA cityscape, mosques / minarets, & pedestrians on old city streets
from behind window grating of Dar-al-Bey (Bey's Palace).
01:27:40:11 w/ Sound b/w 1933
Tunis, Tunesia
VS Muslims women covered / wrapped in scarves
(traditional clothing, traditional dress, native dress).
Baker selling bread in busy area.
"Sweet Meat" seller w/ tray of candy made from dates & nuts selling in busy area.
Man cooking in "open-air" kitchen.
Muslim men at table having conversation & sipping coffee.
Roof-covered lanes (markets) of medina w/ merchants at stands.
VS Muslims in traditional clothing walking through market.
Shoemaker stand in covered market. Cobbler making shoes.
Muslim women (Tunisians) covered in white robes & black veils
(good shots, traditional culture, traditional clothing, traditional dress).
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